
Vote for the remake of the ancient bread oven

A bread oven was built, as an experimental archaeology initiative, at Camp Virtus, near Cluj, earlier this year. We did bake bread inspired by models from Pompeii and thin pita bread and got the hang of it, but the construction unfortunately proved imperfect. We learned for example that the inner wattle structure leads to cracks and thus should not be used for such constructions; we also figured that the small door should be made BEFORE the oven mouth otherwise it will not fit as it should; and third, and most important perhaps, we learned that the oven should be covered, preferably with a water tight roof beforehand, as otherwise hot sun and rain damage it permanently.
Initiative 131 - C'mon Cluj-Napoca

The reenactors of Virtus Antiqua are thus ready to take up the experiment anew, tear down the old oven and built a new one. You can support their effort by voting the project online HERE, until September the 7th!

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